Effective Lead Generation

What Is the Process of Effective Lead Generation and How to Use Chatbots to gain Leads?

Have you ever received a random call one day about a product you looked at a few weeks ago? You try to recall the time you checked out the product and remember leaving your contact details on the website. Or perhaps a time when you received a call from a company that you’ve been referred and asked if you would like to apply.

Both of these instances would only mean one thing: lead generation.

What do you mean by lead generation?

In online marketing, generating leads is one of the key components of achieving commercial success. It is described as the marketing process of engaging stimulation and interest in a particular service or product. The purpose of this process is to develop a sales funnel or pipeline.

When doing lead generations, different digital channels are used. In recent years, these channels have been in the process of considerable changes since the emergence of updated social and online strategies. Because of the quantity of information that is available online, there has been an increase in “self-directed” buyer trends. These new techniques are what develops and funnels potential leads and then transferring them to sales.

In simpler terms, it is the process of drawing in strangers and converting them into potential buyers. Examples of lead generations would include job applications, coupons, live events, blog posts and even online content.

Why is lead generation necessary?

Nowadays, there are a lot of changes when it comes to the buying process. To acquire products or services, many customers opt for the convenience of seeking them out online. Marketers have to find a way to draw in potential buyers by letting themselves be known. Gone are the days of sending outrageous e-mail blasts and mass advertising. This time around, marketers have to learn on being discovered by customers while developing a continuous association with their buyers. That’s where lead generation comes in.

How do you effectively generate leads?

The idea of lead generation is getting your customer to look at your product or service and potentially buy it. The process on lead generation in the marketing world, however, is a little overwhelming to achieve. Let’s base on the premise that you customer looks at your business channels like blog, website or social media page. A CTA (Call-To-Action) button is strategically placed there for them to click which then takes them to the landing page. This page is a single page that shows an offer in the exchange of capturing viable information from the customer. A form is then shown to the customer with fields to collect their information.

To achieve this, is by looking into front-end lead generation or lead generation marketing. These are various promotional channels to help increase traffic to your landing page and generate leads.

  1.    E-mail

For your customers that are familiar with your brand, this is relatively easy. It is because they have already subscribed to your mailing list. However, be mindful when using this method. E-mails can be messy and spammy, so try using CTA’s that is eye-catching and compelling to your reader.

  1.    Ads

The idea of an ad is to get viewers to take the next step. However, to make ads, there is a need to spend. To make that all worthwhile, make sure your ad is relevant to the content on your landing page.

  1.    Social Media

Various social media platforms will make it convenient for your followers to take action. It is because of the guided steps you place into your published posts that make it easier for readers to take immediate action.

  1.    Product Trials

This is also an effective way to generate leads. It is because it entices them with the use of free products and services at a limited time.

  1.    Chatbots

Chatbots are a fast-growing trend in the online marketing world. By definition, chatbots are internet programs or artificial intelligence which is used to stimulate web interactions with human user.

Why are chatbots important?

Chatbots are considered as the latest online trend and powerful tool used by digital marketers today. It is because messaging apps like Slack, Skype, WhatsApp have garnered more than a million users. With this in mind, the use of chatbots are increasing. It is because it can imitate human conversations and makes it easy to solve tasks that are in demand.

It is reported that using chatbots can save a lot of effort and time by programming tools to automatically support customer queries.

How can chatbots help businesses generate more leads?

Through the use chatbots, identifying the stage where the buyers are becomes easier. Because of the automation in contacts, it can get over the challenges that other lead generation methods use. Below are five ways in which chatbots can supply help when getting to convert leads into sales:

  1.    Helps in sharing viable content
  2.    Customer feedback becomes collected and stored information
  3.    Instant responses makes the communication a continuous process
  4.    Marketers can retarget cold leads
  5.    Prospects become converted into customers easily


Every marketer in the digital world needs to understand the ins and outs of getting their customers. Lead generation is an effective strategy to convert visitors and readers into potential buyers. Marketers must be aware of the importance of building significant relationships with customers. Then, communication must be maintained to make them keep coming back.